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Historic Coastal District

Turkey is one of the most prominent countries that people migrate to, as it is one of the strongest countries that combine civilizational development and prosperity, and a medium geographical location that combines Europe and Asia, and Turkey also contains charming archaeological monuments and stunning scenery, and the cost of life, which is considered low [as stated in the report of the Organization for Migration International], because it is a tourist area in addition to being a destination for practical and professional studies, and a good place  for investment.

تعتبر تركيا من أبرز الدول التي تهاجر الناس إليها كونها من أقوى البلدان التي تجمع بين التطور الحضاري والازدهار،وموقع جغرافي متوسط يجمع بين أوروبا وآسيا ، وأيضاً تحتوي تركيا على معالم اثرية ساحرة ومناظر خلابة ، وتكاليف الحياة الذي تعتبر منخفضة[كما جاء في تقرير منظمة الهجرة الدولية ] ،لأنها منطقة سياحية بالإضافة الى أنها تعتبر مقصد الدراسات العملية والمهنية ، ومكان جيد  للأستثمار.

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My name is Adnan Haydar

I am a Turkish/Yemeni Architect, with more than 20 years in architecting and real estate services, in addition he trained real estate marketers.

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Estate Emlak

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My name is Adnan Haydar

I am a Turkish/Yemeni Architect, with more than 20 years in architecting and real estate services, in addition he trained real estate marketers.

©2022 by Estate Emlak

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